Trucks and Trailers Worldwide

Latest WWCommercial News

What we have been up to lately...

Increased demand for quality spare parts

05/05/2016 by : Andrew Curtis


Over the last 12 months we have seen a large increase in the demand for quality spare parts.  Many of our customers are looking to source complete "sets" from running and operational vehicles.  We have the ability to dismantle, cut and load and vehicle that is purchased from us or any other UK dealer.  We load quickly and efficiently and can ensure that you get the best returns for your load.  All of our vehicles can be inspected before cutting takes place to give you peace of mind.  If you have any particular requirements or would like a quotation please do get in touch.

Truck wrapping

30/11/2015 by : Sean Steventon


Truck Wrapping Service

We can now offer a complete truck wrapping service.  Transform the look of your truck without an expensive respray.  Vinyl wrapping is a very cost effective and effective way to transform the look of your truck.  Full choice of 1000's colours and livery of your own design will make your truck stand out.


Serengheti Inspections for Tanzania

31/10/2015 by : Sean Steventon


You may be aware that you are now required to have any used vehicle pruchased from the UK inspected before shipment to Tanzania.

Video truck demonstrations available

31/10/2015 by : Andrew Curtis


If you are based outside of the UK and cannot view our vehicles in person we are more than happy to create and send a personalised video demonstration of any vehicle or equipment. 

Welcome to our NEW news section

05/10/2015 by : Andrew


Welcome to our new updates page, here we will do our best to keep you informed as to what is happening with our company and update you on any industry news.